Press Releases

Bacon Top Republican for Bipartisan Cooperation

Bacon Top Republican for Bipartisan Cooperation

One of Top Four for all Elected Officials

Washington – Rep. Don Bacon (NE-02) was notified today by the Common Ground Committee that he scored a perfect 110 for his efforts to foster bipartisan cooperation, bridge divides, and work towards solutions that benefit all. He was one of four elected officials to score 110.

According to the Common Ground Committee’s website: The Common Ground Scorecard measures the degree to which elected officials and candidates for office embody the spirit and practice of a Common Grounder — someone who seeks points of agreement and solutions on social and political issues through listening and productive conversation. It does not assess issue positions, ideology, or any other qualifications. 

“It is an honor to once again be recognized for the hard work by our team in reaching consensus across the aisle, while not forgetting our principles,” said Rep. Bacon. “Issues such as foster care, national security, agriculture and military readiness do not care if there is an “R” or a “D” behind your name. We can’t lead with an “all or nothing” attitude. That is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned for our country. The sought a way to force those with differences to work together for the good of the country.”

Scores can be found on the Common Ground website.
